Minggu, 25 Januari 2015

Vocabulary, 25 Januari 2015

certainly = pasti, memang // definitely, surely, without fail, assuredly, decidedly
overhead = atas
state = negara, keadaan,
patch = tambalan
encounter = pertemuan
downside = (n) the negative aspect of something, especially something regarded as in general good or desirable.
degree = derajat
obvious = jelas

belajar git : http://git-scm.com/book/id/v1/Memulai-Git

Rabu, 21 Januari 2015

Vocabulary, 21 Januari 2015

underway = berlangsung
shift = perubahan
expect = mengharapkan
widespread = meluas
scrapped = dihapus
instead = malah
lies = kebohongan
extend = memperpanjang
extending = memperluas
intention = niat
whereas = sedangkan
aware = sadar
staunch = setia
staunchly = kukuh
cling = melekat
clinging = menempel
hindsight = penglihatan ke belakang
inception = permulaan

Kamis, 15 Januari 2015

Vocabulary, 16 Januari 2015

velocity = kecepatan
density = massa jenis
below = di bawah
spawn = menelurkan
fold = melipat
foreground = latar depan